Speak Your Mind

Sunday, August 30, 2015


We are people who it seems it's hard to acknowledge our own faults. If something goes wrong in our lives, we are quick to point the finger at others and never conceive that we may have had a hand in how things turned out, because of bad choices, bad influences and bad relationships. The stark reality is you get out of life what you put into it. Yes, you reap what you sow.  

I recently had to come to terms with my own truth that I'm struggling financially, because of decisions I've made in the past.  The consequences of bad decisions can stay with you for years and years, but I am thankful to God and thankful for God's grace and mercy.  After I've confessed and acknowledged where I went wrong, God is faithful to be everything I need to lead and to walk with me through to restoration and prosperity.

We are accountable by God to know His truth.  God has planned how to live right and be in a right relationship with Him.  We are free to choose whether to live by God's way or not, but we are all accountable to know how the word of God says to live. We can choose to create our plan to live right for God but it's better to work in partnership with God, seeking guidance and direction, so we are victorious when encountering life's stumbling blocks.

In the world today, everyone has an opinion and feel they know how to best live. We have to be people who firstly study the word of God, to ourselves live by the word, to be the Godly example, to create a plan of to who & how to bring the word to the world through ministry and to reprove in loving kindness and with compassion in our hearts.  We have to make sure our goal is not to condemn the sinner, but to shine light on the sin and to encourage to seek a better way which comes through seeking and building a relationship with God. Better yet let our lives be the greatest tool in ministering, living by the word of God allows our life to be the living sacrifice.  Romans 12:1

As a Christian, God is holding us accountable to live as Jesus did when He lived on earth. God wants us to make living on earth, as it is to live in heaven.  1 John 2:6, says for those claiming to be living with God, should be living like Jesus lived.  Matthew 11:29, says "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."  John 15:4, says "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain with the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."  Matthew 16:24, says "If anyone wishes to come after Me, must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.  The more we seek after God, the more we open our hearts for Him to be in us.

Accept that being a true Christian is leading by example.  Being a Christian example can't be achieved without God, daily prayer, bible study and without practice in walking in the truth of God's word.  Accept that it is being a human to make a mistake, but it is a strong relationship with God that brings love for Him along with a desire to seek His approval that leads us to be remorseful, speak confessions and to have a heart to come to repentance.  If confession and repentance doesn't come easily, don't be dismayed just continue in prayer and continue to study the bible.  We have to accept that sowing into fleshy desires, weakens us in the spirit, weakens our connection with God and hardens our heart to hear from Him.  Knowing when to confess and repent comes naturally, if we accept that we are flawed without God and need Him to be right in His sight.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Life's Certain Truths

In order to become more accountable for my own actions, I had to consider certain truths about God, my life and my own being.  

Life's Certain Truths

  • An unfocused mind leads to a chaotic existence.  
  • A life lived without God's influence leads to sowing into fleshy desires, which leads to destruction.
  • A life without Godly direction leads to uncertainty, confusion and a sense of being lost.
  • A life without love leads to a hole in our heart that can never be filled.
  • A life without God can also create a hole in our heart that creates a hunger and a thirst that can't be satisfied.
  • A life without giving compassion and being understanding leads to a life without building good character.  Which will leads to many broken relationships.
  • A life lived being able to say "I was wrong", "I'm sorry" and "How can I make this right" leads to a life free of guilt.
  • A life spent always making new friends and always being friendly leads to a life of never being or feeling alone.
  • A life lived without self-control leads to a life that is out of control.
  • A life lived looking for happiness in people will lead to a life of constant disappointment.
  • A life lived always seeing the negative will lead to a life always speaking negativity and having negative experiences.
  • A life lived with a non-judgmental attitude leads to healthy relationships where Godly influence can be given and instilled.
  • A life lived without being a Godly example leads to a life without God.
  • A life lived never glorifying God for anything leads to a lack of everything in area of our lives.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

God Create A Change in Me

It's Time For A Change 

Is everything perfect in your life?  When would you say is the best time ttry it God's way? 

In order to be in agreement that it's time for a change, one has to confess that things aren't perfect in our lives and then be in agreement that change is desperately needed.   

In order to be true to God, to ourselves and walk in His fullness, we have to admit that living a life fulfilling the flesh is denying who we are in God and denying  who He created us to be.  We were created to be inventors, to be caretakers, to be comforters, to be planters, to be nurturers, to be educators, to be people that help and serve the needy.  We were created to show a dying world who God is.  We also need to respect that no one person was designed to be all the things listed above to everyone, that is God's job.  We have to concede that we were merely meant to play a vital role in fulfilling His plan.  

Now the goal isn't to have you thinking that God has designed us to live a perfect life, but He has designed a plan where He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. (Philippians 4:19) 

In fact in the book of Philippians, Paul was writing to give thanks to the Philippians for the gift they had sent him after he was imprisoned in Rome. Even in the midst of his problems he took the opportunity to encourage the Philippians to stand firm in the face of persecution and rejoice.  Being able to praise God in your heart is a sign of humility and understanding that God is truly in control and with Him there is victory in whatever situation you find yourself in.     
For those who meditate on the word of God in your heart, you're planting seeds in your life that will yield many fruits in due season. (Psalm 1:2-3)   
Remember you reap what you sow.   What seeds are you planting? 

Have peace that whatever change we are in need of, it's achieved by having a right relationship with God.  Jeremiah 24:7 says, God will give us a heart to know Him.  God says we will return to Him with our whole heart.  Giving our whole heart to God, is living with purpose, living in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24) 

 Through a right relationship with God, we will grow in our unselfishness (being generous) and selflessness (having more concern for others), so that living and serving God becomes apart of who we are  Accomplishing living wholeheartedly for God is to surrender your heart and life to His will. We are looking to become one with God and Ezekiel 11:19, says God will give us one heart, and put in us a new spirit. 

Living humbly and in the spirit of unity is accepting God's plan is for us. A change of heart is needed to surrender your will, so that God's will is done through you.  Having a change of heart is acknowledging that God's plan calls for us to decrease in us and our will that allows us to increase in Him daily. (John 3:30 )   

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Pray for Peace

To have peace is to have freedom from disturbance; tribulation, stress, strife, upheaval, being of sound mind, having a sense of calmness, restfulness, quietness of the soul and tranquility. John 16:33, says In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.”  It's important to note that we live in a sinful world and are surrounded by people who sin.  We ourselves are sinners, but working to live a righteous life. So until we are able to find or be lead to the right path, we're going to have missteps and suffer consequences.  Because Jesus has overcome the world, we as well are over comers. But without peace, obedience, submission, confession & repentance we are doomed to suffer distress, trouble, misery and sorrow.  We must know that God doesn't expect us to live perfect lives, but He does want us to seek Him first in all that me think say and do.  

Making a connection with God should be first on our to do list and be done on a daily basis. Making a connection is building a relationship with God.  Having a relationship with God is the same as any other relationship that we engage in.  To sustain unity in any relationship, there must be humility, partnership and sacrifice.  A relationship with God is a great example to model when we are building relationships with people in our lives.  When we humble ourselves before God, a rewarding relationship with Him is achieved. In order to be humbled we need to remember that God has authority over us and we don't have authority over him, so we must not only humble ourselves but also submit to His will. 

We must remember that our will brings destruction, disorder, separation & frustration. Acknowledging our faults and our weakness humbles us in order to be more receptive to God and be better able to sustain a relationship with Him.  I understand that in the midst of an escalating problem or a troubled relationship, remembering that no matter what is going on God is always in control may be hard to do. It's necessary, if we truly want to walk and live in the spirit and be better able to withstand trouble that presents itself.  We also would do well to remember that the Holy Spirit is dwelling within us.  We have the power to be peaceful or unmoved by any situation that arises, just by praying for God to activate the power. 

Proverbs 12:20, says we who are counselors of peace have joy.  And to have joy, we understand, respect and know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28  
We are working in our faith when we pursue the things which make for peace and that builds one another up. Romans 14:19 

Work to be in God's rest. Hebrews 4:10, says for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.  Matthew 11:28-30, says if we who are weary and burden down come to God, He will give us rest. God also wants us to learn from Him, He is gentle and humble in heart, and if we model ourselves after Him we will find rest for our souls. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Kingdom Minded

What does it take to get to heaven? I recently got into huge debate with someone that vigorously and whole heartily stood by Romans 10:9 (NIV), which says If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and she was convinced she didn't have to change her ways. Afterward I had to do some confessing and repenting for what I said to her, the word is true, so if you confess and believe you are saved. Plus it's God not me that decides who has truly been saved, but my point was that salvation is a gift that keeps on giving. 

With true salvation we grow in our faith and spiritual walk, which gives us a boldness in God, we will have a new heart, a heart to please God, and a renewed mind. When we are saved, we become a new creature in the Lord. We now have new desires, new ambitions, a new home, new gifts and a new love for God and for fellow man. God's will for Christians is to become more and more like Jesus Christ. That happens by becoming immersed into doing right by God and to live and seek His approval. When we get baptized we become immersed into water to symbolize a death, burial and resurrection. After baptism we become babies in Christ, like babies we have to learn and be taught what is God's will and how to live in it. As we read the bible more, pray more, fellowship with others who are living according to the word, we grow more and more like Jesus. 

Everyday will be an adventure to seek ways to be of service to God, which would certainly please Him. With salvation comes a hunger to seek after God and know more about Him. That hunger would cause us also to seek after the things God cares about. Those who are saved have answered God's call to be saved. (Romans 8:28) 
2 Peter 1:3, says His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Consider also 
1 Thessalonians 1:5 which says, The gospel came to us not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. 

Just getting into Heaven shouldn't be our only goal, God's plan for our salvation is to deliver us from sin. John 3:16-17, says that God's love for us is so great that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 
1 Timothy 2:4, says He wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. As stated in Romans 12:1-2, we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. We need not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of our mind, that by testing we may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. 

Even though good works won't get you into heaven, we should look to do good, so we store up treasures in heaven, (Matthew 6:20)(Matthew 10:41) When we live sacrificially for God or serve Him by serving the body of Christ, we store up treasure in heaven. We have to be careful of our motive. Those that do go works for praise here on earth have already received their reward. So whatever you do, do it for the uplifting and glorifying of God.