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Monday, May 20, 2013

Living in abundance 5/19 - 5/25

I recently had a conversation with someone that’s going through problems in their lives.  They were at their wits end and said what can I do life is a struggle then you die.  This interaction led me to consider how I look at life when struggles enter.    First thing I need to remember is that God is the creator of life.  Psalm 100:3 says, Know that the Lord is God.  It is He that has made us and not we ourselves.   Because man is made in God’s own image (Genesis 1:27), each life is of great value to God.  When troubles come, we also need to remember that as long as God is with you, we have everything that we need.

I remember hearing a Sunday School teacher say, if you never suffered:

How would you know that God is a healer.
How would you know God is a provider.
How would you know God is a restorer.
How would you know that God answers prayers.
How would you know God is a protector.
How would you know God is a problem solver.
How would you know God is a heart fixer and mind regulator.
How would you know that God is with you always.

The first thing that's very important is to make sure your walk is right with God.   Always keep in mind that when you're presented with a opportunity to sin, there's also an opportunity to turn away.  Also consider when you know the situation is a sinful one and still decide to walk down that road, God cannot go with you.  That's why repentance is necessary.  The rule is sin causes God to separate from us, but repentance brings Him back.

The keys to abundant living are:
Have a active prayer life.
    Pray without ceasing.
    Pray for one another, for governmental authorities, for families, for spouses, for kids, for church members, for preachers, for bosses and for co-workers.
    Pray for direction, guidance, wisdom & protection.
    Confess your sins, pray for forgiveness and repent.
    Pray for the sick, lonely, for those that are suffering and for those that are broken hearted.
    Pray prayers of intercession.  Even if they say they are praying, still pray for them anyway.  Much prayer, much power.
Pray for your enemies and for those that despitefully use you.
Think positive thoughts and keep your mind free from even thinking of committing sins.
Flee from sin.  Don't even let sin creep up in your mind.
Seek God's approval first and his righteousness.
Discover your gifts and/or talents.
Work in your gift/talents, speak it into existence, praise God in advance for your accomplishments, have faith, write a plan and carry it out.
Sow spiritual seeds.  Remember you reap what you sow.
If you say you are saved, then walk and live as if you're saved.
    Talk the talk, walk the walk.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I really enjoyed this and the list given by the Sunday School teacher!
